Derek Russell

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My First Art Show

The day has finally come - my very first art show. I want to thank my friend and teacher, you know who you are, for inspiring me to take this leap of faith.

Let me back track a second leading up to the day...It was a dreary day in August of 2008, where we met in Rockport, MA. You may have been here before to witness the location of a red building right on the water. Painters from all over flock to paint this iconic image, titled Motif No. 1. Welp, that wasn't our mission. We were boarding a ferry to trek us over to Thatcher Island.

We spent the foggy day gathering photos and inspiration, with some plein air painting. For me, it is all about getting a feel for the environment, the smells, the landscape, the inhabitants, the beauty. I love nature - it truly inspires my work.

The show in Rockport, MA was part of the Thatcher Island Art Association. There were hundreds of artists exhibiting work, and I had my three paintings up on the walls.

I remember the anxiety. Were people even going to see my work? What were they going to think? Was someone going to buy one?

I walked around - pretending to checking out other artists work - but really all I could think about was my own. I hope that's not conceded. It's how I truly felt. I was so excited!

It was encouraged to stay inside in case people had questions. But I can only handle so much time inside - I needed to breathe in that fresh ocean air. I took a stroll along the pier and watched the birds feeding and the waves crash against the rocks. Being outside in nature is my place. So much life.

Upon my arrival back to the show, I was met at the door by my friend. Where were you? Someone just bought one of your paintings and wanted to talk to you. WOW - awesome. Too bad I wasn't around - they may have bought more :). Cool - my very first sale at a show. I like this.

At the end of the weekend, I got a call from my friend again. ALL OF YOUR PAINTINGS SOLD! AND YOU WON BEST OF SHOW

Total joy

Utter happiness

My true bliss

My calling

This was my first sign to pursue my art

