Derek Russell

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painting bigger and bolder in the studio

lights are on, music in the air, i'm in the zone.

a couple of days ago, i was frustrated over not being able to paint. those frustrations were so strong. weird. crazy. instead of getting mad at myself, i accepted. i let go of my need to paint and did what felt right in that moment. i was guided to go bigger and bolder.

a couple of days later, i am presented with a gift. a gift from the angels.

know that each moment there are unlimited possibilities waiting for you.

i am chosen to be the vibrant portrait artist for a high end gallery in downtown georgetown.

and what do they want? large and colorful patriotic portraits. 

exactly what i felt. genius. YES!

i've got the canvases primed with a white ground (gesso). i'm waiting on more gesso so i can coat both sides of the boards. i decided to use MDF board for the rigidity and texture. i like the feel. it's what is working for me right now.

funny, how one day I'm so angry and the next, i've got 4 of my biggest paintings. love it!

fast forward a few days, the underpaintings are complete on 2 out of 4.