When I Write it, I Create it

By Artist Derek Russell

Awakening to the simple pleasure of writing has been so powerful for me. I feel on cruise control whenever I get into my zone - and just let my inner being out. The ego is not allowed here. When I write, I release the need to correct and analyze the words as I write them. For me a freewrite of this nature is the only way to go. It was extremely difficult at first but with practice it started to come more naturally. And I discovered the liberation. This feeling is so enjoyable.

And writing has paved the way for my extreme success. Which is why it is one of the first things I do every morning when I wake up. I stretch my body long, wiggle the energy into my being, and breathe into each morning breath with excitement. I am creating the life I desire. And I've been writing about it now for years. I find it is the best way to write down your visions and your mission. To get really clear at what you want and what you desire. To get creative with it, have a little fun and use your imagination. It's your life, go big.

How has this vision writing helped me you may ask?

Let me share a couple personal stories with you

I'm engaged to my twin flame

Photo taken moments after I proposed atop Mount Chocorua

Photo taken moments after I proposed atop Mount Chocorua

Let's step back in time 2.5 years. I'm an easy going, good looking, adventurous guy - or so I thought? So why was I having so much trouble finding a girl.

Well - I'm extremely selective and very picky when it comes to girls. And I was getting sick and tired of going to bars trying to find one. No girl I've ever met at a bar truly had what I was looking for - so I would keep looking. What I really wanted was a nature girl that loved adventure. I mean I wanted to spend my days off going hiking, kayaking, exploring - not going to clubs.

There were years - years between girlfriends. And I began to think, I'm never going to find anyone. I got depressed and lonesome.

But that got me absolutely NO WHERE - but more sad.

I began educating myself. I learned what other successful people who were in loving relationships did. I asked questions. I got answers. I got excited again.

And one day I joined E-Harmony - yes I joined the world of online dating. A place so far from who I was. I took a chance. I took a giant leap and reached out hoping to find my soulmate. And boy was I surprised. Surprised by the matches I was set up with. None of the girls were even remotely my type. They were overweight, unhealthy, & unattractive. What a complete waste of money. I cancelled my subscription.

And then I remembered what I had forgotten - it's important to have reminders of these things - I needed to get clear about the girl I was looking for and the relationship I wanted and what it would do for me. So I took out my journal and wrote down exactly that.

Over the next two months, I was more open to finding, meeting and experiencing a loving relationship. I was happy again. I felt good.

I decided to join E-Harmony again - they offered me a discounted rate for a month subscription. Everything happens for a reason. Nothing over that month. Bummer! I really thought I would meet her. So I go back onto E-Harmony to find out I had gone over the month and they automatically renewed me for another month. Are you serious?

But I am so thankful everything worked out that way. Because staring back at me was my newest match, Kara. A bombshell. A total 10! I skipped the recommended communication ice breakers and put it all out there. I wanted to see if she really was my type, so I asked her to join me on a snowshoe/snowboard adventure at a local mountain and ski resort, left my cell phone number, and wished her well. Not 20 minutes later I received a text message from her. And the rest is for another story, but we are happily engaged and living the dream. When I write it, I create it.

I'm a celebrity & corporate artist

Painting commissioned and licensed by Global Silicon Valley Capital

Painting commissioned and licensed by Global Silicon Valley Capital

It started with a feeling and a desire to make it as an artist. I have always known my calling to be expressing myself through art. But with all the negative publicity associated with starving artists, I knew I had to be special. It takes a strong foundation and a respected reputation.

With help from my treasured high school art teacher, I sought out to learn the artistic skills necessary to develop my talent. She introduced me to one of the best traditional portrait painters of this time. I studied under him for multiple years and intensely everyday for more than a year. I mastered my technique. I gained the confidence I needed.

And then a deep feeling came to me one day when I was doing my vision writing. I knew in order to make it big, I needed to start painting famous iconic people. And these paintings needed to be vibrant, expressive, and totally unique. I began writing. I am a celebrity artist. My art appeals to celebrities, musicians, actors, businessmen, politicians, royalty...Thousands of people see and appreciate my work. This focused me into a clear, targeted audience for original paintings. The more I wrote, the more I was able to determine my mission and vision. Emotions poured out. My expressions powerful. I wrote about my motives and reasons. And I wrote about what it would do for me and for others.

And then the art I started to create began getting noticed by more and more people. My vibrant expressions captured the souls of every iconic person I painted. Pretty soon I was selling portraits. Businesses began contacting me to inquire about commissioning me for inspirational artwork. Private collectors called and wanted more. People from all over the world reached out to me and wanted to learn more. Reporters interviewed me. Financial firms contacted me for licensing opportunities. I felt honored and blessed to be able to share my gift with each and every one of them.

It is my vision, my mission and my passion to use my gift to inspire the world.

Now I have and am working on paintings for celebrities, innovators, entrepreneurs, politicians, businessmen, and royalty. I am truly grateful! Thank you so much

I'm happy & healthy

Photo courtesy of Liz Russell, St. Thomas, VI

Photo courtesy of Liz Russell, St. Thomas, VI

It started with a vision when I was in the 6th grade. I was not happy with myself. I was overweight, sluggish, & tired. I needed a change.

Very driven and motivated to do whatever it takes to make my visions reality, I have learned tricks along the journey. One of the most important pieces is writing down what I wanted from my life in the form of my body, my mind, and my soul. At that age, I really only understood my physical appearance - so I got clear. I wrote about how my athletic, model quality body looked. I wrote about how it made me feel. I wrote about what it would do for me. I know this was a lot for a kid my age at the time, but I was determined. Little by little I began carving away the fat, shredding unwanted "rolls" from my midsection and excess skin from my chubby cheeks. And the more I saw my transformation taking place, the more excited I got. Over the years, I trained myself to eat healthy foods, exercise regularly, and be mindful everyday. Looking at myself, I wouldn't have changed a thing. Kids may have laughed at me for what I started eating - because it was different from them (slices of chicken with no bread, fruit and veggies and a water with lemon in it). Keeping track of my goals in my journal allowed me to discover my beauty. Years later, I feel so good about myself. And I am so grateful!

Cheers to writing the world we wish to create
