letting the voices come out

i couldn't sleep last night. my head was pounding. and it wouldn't quit! and then all i heard were voices. get up. write. this is your time. we are here with you. ok that's kinda freaky, but i'm totally down! i can feel this shift in my body

let go...let go of the fear within you! let it float away. it no longer serves you. you do not need it. you feel ease. an entire weight has been removed from your body.

this is the first time i am writing about these voices i'm hearing. i can sense the voices waking me up. my body says i'm tired but my heart says keep writing. why would i do this? what is it? something is getting released. my fear.

an engineer by training, i'm not satisfied with that path. i do not feel fulfilled. why waste an entire life living the "shoulds" and "supposed to" rules? who made these rules anyway? i'm sick of following everyone else's rules that only help them! listen to us. we will guide you.

let go of the fear and ego. their battle will never end until you let it

over the years i've become attached to this fear and ego driven banter that i now recognize echoing away in my mind. i'm scared of being wrong. i'm afraid of failure. i am pursuing my dreams. i am a creative! i am soulful! i am abundant!

the truth will set you free.