offer yourself this gift this holiday season

i am in awe at the wonderful magnificence that awakens me each day. ok i need to come clean. i admit, i do have an alarm clark but that's not quite the magnificence i'm referring too. I'm talking about my soul's ability to awaken before the alarm clock each and every day, and at around the same time each day. my inner clock - no i am being told it isn't even a clock. maybe it is the soul or a spirit guide looking to offer me something that cannot be heard during the hustle of the day. 

there is a time for communication and there is a time for quiet meditation.

i am just like you.  

the thoughts still like to play with me. they enjoy coming in, dancing around, causing a rise out of me and then move on. i like that dance. i am the lead. and when i meditate i choose to allow thoughts and feelings to come and go without any attachment to them. i give no attachment to these thoughts and they fade away on their own. 

i close my eyes and look up into my minds eye. my third eye. i see the writing on a black board. or is it blue? is it the sky? letters coming across from right to left. sliding almost, 

blurry fields

as i try to focus in on the words, the fog envelopes me. 

let the magic of life dance for you. let the miracle of life become a daily appreciation. 

each day is a miracle. it is whether you choose to see it as such. i'm at a point in my life where i say why not? why continue to choose to see problems when i can choose possibilities.  

when i go to that place of possibility, anything is possible. anything can be turned to gold. anything i focus my attention on has the power to show up in my life today. i feel this - i know this (beautiful). it is a fact for me. there is no attachment to the outcome. there is no one else confirming this to me. there is me. my soul. and i know. i have that burning desire that heats up. it melts away the bonds to fear and lack mentality. 

i am forever expansive. i am free.

i am true. i express the truth. and that truth is beauty.

oh it feels so good communing with you. i hope you don't think I'm crazy?

its okay, I'm not caught up in that game of comparison. besides its nice to have this chance to talk with you.

i am love.

you are love. spread your wings and fly. soar above the trees. open your wings. 

the peace. the fulfillment. the joy.

so simple, yet so very empowering.

in this time when everyone around me is go go go and rush rush rush, i choose to go inward. i choose to look for a place where i can offer myself a gift. and that gift is silence.

it is the new medicine of the world. you'll hear about it soon.

within you is the capacity for healing. take time for yourself this holiday season.