a morning of gratitude

3:30am. it's early.

i turn the alarm off. i choose to lay in a state of gratitude. i flood my mind with all that i am grateful for.

my bed that gave me comfort throughout the night. these sheets that kept me warm.

the love vibrating from my wife as she peacefully sleeps beside me.

i move closer to cuddle, feeling her wrap her arms around me. i smile. there is nothing more that i like better than a soft embrace, especially in the early morning hours.

i'm thankful for my hearing as i listen to the birds singing their songs - spring is back

i'm drawn to open my eyes, sight - what a gift. thank you, thank you, thank you.

inspiration builds inside me. i feel these colors are speaking directly to me. the sky transforms into a majestic array of beauty. peach hues, strawberry highlights, lilac clouds contrast this lightness. the evening sky a thing of beauty. always changing. always alive. always new. so fresh. so amazing. thank you.

capturing beauty in nature

capturing beauty in nature

i continue on closing my eyes again. thank you for my dream home. thank you for my life. thank you for this day.

the more i learn, the more engaged i become. i love the expansion that is happening. i can feel myself healing.

taking it a step further, i challenge my mind to consistently repeat, i approve of myself. i started this exercise a few days ago. at first i was struck by the silliness of this. if felt stupid. it felt wrong. why did i need to tell myself that i approve of myself. of course i do. why do i need to say? my ego treading on thin water attempts to freeze the pond of my mind.

i walk in step to my inner intelligence as i choose to recite these powerful four words over and over in my head.

far too long, i neglected to take care of me. i'm done worrying about what i did or didn't do in my past. i'm doing it now.

an ease flows over me.

i release the need to get up, to go to my 9-5 (technically speaking i've got a 7-4) for the next 2.5 hours.

i relax in the presence that i am.

awake. aware. alive.

i trust the process of life. all is well.